Amare Cantare Presents Hodie
Advance ticket sales for this performance are now closed. Tickets are available and may be purchased at the door.
Please join us this December for a concert of unaccompanied choral music for the holidays. Settings by Sweelinck, Palestrina, Nanino, and LaCour of the famous Christmas text Hodie Christus natus est are sprinkled throughout this stylistically varied program. Other notable highlights are two dramatic and chromatic motets by Anton Bruckner, Christus factus est and Virga Jesse, as well as O nata lux by Morten Lauridsen. These Latin works are set off by several English pieces, including “The Three Kings” by Healey Willan, Britten’s arrangement of “The Holly and the Ivy,” “Gabriel’s Message” by Matthew Culloton, and John Rutter’s arrangement of “Deck the Hall” for women’s voices.