Join us for a wonderful Shavuot celebration! For the 3,335th time hear the Aseret Hadibrot (10 commandments) Special program for the children! Followed by an incredible spread of hot dairy dishes, cheesecake, and ice cream! June 12th @ 05:00 PM Shavuot is a time when we recommit ourselves to Torah and affirm our membership in the Jewish nation. 3,335 years ago, the Jewish people stood as one nation at the foot of Mount Sinai and received the Torah from G-d. Each year on the holiday of Shavuot, this historic event is re-lived as the Ten Commandments are read from the Torah Come with your entire family to hear the 10 Commandments read from the Torah, as it was read on Mount Sinai!Free Event - RSVP Required!
What is the Holiday of Shavuot?